woman wearing black peep toe heeled shoes

What Does Fetish Mean?

Fetishes can be found in many forms, from the arousal people feel for feet (podophilia) to an obsession with leather or rubber. According to experts, they may be linked to sexual experiences from early childhood.

But while some fetishes may seem bizarre, it’s important to remember that it’s not the fetish itself that is problematic, but the way that person carries out their fixation.


A fetish is an object or nonsexual body part that arouses sexual interest, according to the American Heritage Dictionary. A fetish can also refer to a mental preoccupation or attachment. For example, a person may find an object, such as a pair of shoes, unreasonably arousing. In the context of sex, fetishes are usually considered to be a form of kink.

There are many types of fetishes, and some are more serious than others. For a fetish to be considered a disorder, it must cause significant distress or interfere with a person’s daily functioning. In addition, it must be persistent and last for more than six months. In addition, fetishes must be related to inanimate objects or body parts that are not considered to be sexual.

Although fetishes are generally considered to be a normal part of sex, they can become dangerous when they cause distress or interfere with relationships. In these cases, the person should seek treatment. For example, a sex therapist can help the individual learn to reduce the fetish’s power and intensity. In addition, the sex therapist can teach the patient to engage in safer sexual activities.

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Fetishes were originally charms, talismans and ornaments used by the people of the Guinea coast of Africa. They were believed to have magical powers to protect people from various dangers, such as the flight of a poisonous arrow or the bite of an adder. They were also believed to cure illnesses, such as the typhoid fever or the madness of a mad bull. These objects were referred to by many different names, such as bohsum on the Gold Coast, gree-gree and suhman among other African tribes, nganga in the Congo region, and grou-grou in the Gabun country.

The term fetish was adopted by Europeans in the eighteenth century, when there was much interest in the origin of a person’s culture. Specifically, many anthropologists were interested in the idea that certain items have spiritual power and are thus sacred. The word was first used in English by Charles de Brosses, an amateur ethnologist. He compared the worship of fetishes in West Africa to that of ancient Egyptian religion.

Experts don’t know exactly what causes a person to have a fetish, but some theories involve Pavlovian conditioning. Other experts believe that sexual fetishes are linked to the experiences a person had during childhood or as an adult. For example, some people might have a passion for feet because they remember seeing their own parents kissing them on the feet when they were young.

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Fetishes are often sexual but they can also be nonsexual. In the nonsexual sense, a fetish is an abnormally obsessive interest. A person with a foot fetish, for example, gets pleasure from thinking about, seeing, or touching feet. The most common use of the word fetish is in reference to sexual preferences, however, and this is the meaning that most people are familiar with.

The first use of the word fetish in English dates back to the 17th century. It originally referred to objects, such as amulets, that were believed by some West Africans to have supernatural powers. In the 19th century, it became a more general term for anything that inspires irrational devotion or worship.

Today, fetishes can involve any object or body part that is not usually seen as sexual. They can also include materials such as rubber, latex, and silk. In addition to objects, fetishes can also refer to specific features of a body such as height, weight, or piercings.

A fetish can be harmful if it becomes a replacement for normal sexual activity, or if it leads to poor relationships with others. A sex therapist or relationship counselor can help with treatment for a fetish if necessary. However, a fetish can be an important part of a healthy sex life if it is kept in moderation.

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The word fetish is most often used in a sexual sense, and people with fetishes are known as fetishists. However, the term can also be used for nonsexual interests that are excessively obsessive and arousing to an individual. This can include a fascination with certain materials or body parts, and people with these fetishes are known as kink lovers.

Fetishes can be a form of entertainment for kink lovers, and some of them are quite bizarre. Foot fetishism is a common one that causes men to get sexual pleasure from seeing, touching and even thinking about feet. Navel fetishism is another one that is more common among men and falls under the category of sadomasochism. Some fetishes are also considered to be erotic, and people with these tend to find sexual pleasure in things like spanking with paddles or erotic humiliation play.

Although many fetishes and kinks are considered inappropriate, the truth is that everyone has their own desires. As long as the desire is expressed openly and consensually, and there is no harm in it for others, then it can be considered normal. Of course, this is not a license to go out and pursue whatever fetishes one wants to, and it is important for individuals to practice safe sex. This includes ensuring that all sexual activity is clearly consented and a safe word to stop should the need arise.